Vending machines for pizzas, paninis

Vending machines for pizzas, paninis

Who are we?

Our mission

At ADIAL, (Automate de DIstribution ALimentaire) our mission is to provide restaurateurs and food artisans with innovative solutions that combine their expertise with automated distribution. Our high-performance, durable, and user-friendly machines help professionals expand their business while simplifying their daily operations.
Based in Normandy Lisieux, ADIAL specializes in designing and manufacturing, PIZZADOOR and PANIDOOR automated pizza and snack vending machines.

Growth & Innovation

Over the years, ADIAL has experienced remarkable growth. In 2015, we moved to a 2,400 m² facility in Lisieux to meet increasing market demand. By 2021, we expanded again into a 6,000 m² production site. With over 3,200 vending machines produced including 300+ units exported and our best-performing PIZZADOOR selling over 100 pizzas per day, ADIAL is the global leader in automated pizza vending. Some of our machines have even generated over €500,000 in revenue since their launch!

Key figures
revenue for our best-performing machines
machines installed worldwide

Commitment to innovation

ADIAL continuously invests in R&D and cutting-edge technology to create vending machines that are reliable, efficient, and sustainable. Our dedicated team of 150+ specialists, including software engineers and electronics experts, develop industry-leading solutions to ensure our customers’ success.

Since 2002, ADIAL introduced a number of major advancements, such as: remote maintenance & monitoring, large touchscreen interfaces & customizable animations, contactless payment & online ordering, third-party delivery platform integration.

ADIAL is now expanding its product range beyond pizza vending, offering PANIDOOR for paninis & tacos, burger vending solutions, and refrigerated smart fridges for fresh meals.

A history of continuous innovation

Our history is marked by our role as a pioneer that has become a benchmark in the industry. As early as 2002, we offered pizza makers a high-performance, efficient machine. Over the years, we have continued to innovate, with major advances such as remote maintenance, larger screens, customizable animations, the ability to sell pizzas online and even have pizzas delivered from our vending machines.

In 2024, we are continuing our drive to innovate and bring ever more innovative quality products to the foodservice world by founding the D2C company with our long-standing partner Metaltech to market dry and refrigerated lockers made in France.

Over the past 20 years, we have constantly pushed back
the boundaries of innovation.


    Launch of the first PIZZADOOR pizza vending machine


    Introduction of remote maintenance, 19-inch screen & increased pizza box height.


    Personalized animations & camera-based remote maintenance.


    100% touchscreen models, contactless payment & advanced baking technology.


    Online ordering system integrated into vending machines.


    Introduction of PANIDOOR for hot paninis & tacos.


    Integration of food delivery apps for pizza vending machines 


    E-THIK joins the ADIAL Group, strengthening our smart vending ecosystem.

Découvrez l’innovation sans limites avec le service R&D d’ADIAL !

Expertise en Recherche et Développement

Chez ADIAL, nous sommes passionnés par la Recherche et le Développement de nouvelles technologies pour les distributeurs automatiques.

Why choose ADIAL?

By choosing ADIAL, you benefit from:

Votre succès est notre priorité

Notre service R&D est au service de votre succès. Que vous souhaitiez améliorer les performances de votre distributeur automatique existant, nous proposer de nouvelles fonctionnalités, notre équipe est à votre écoute et tentera de rendre cela possible. Notre volonté de toujours améliorer nos distributeurs automatiques et de vous procurer des outils toujours plus performants et fiables nous a permis de développer de nombreux nouveaux outils tels que la gestion de parc avec MY PIZZADOOR PRO , mais aussi la vente en ligne, ou encore boule de cristal (prédiction des ventes grâce à l’intelligence artificielle) et depuis 2023, la livraison à domicile ! Restez connectés sur nos réseaux sociaux pour ne rien manquer de nos actualités !

Valeurs ADIAL

Chez ADIAL, nous sommes tous mobilisés pour la réussite de nos clients, c’est aussi pour cela que nous avons des valeurs fortes qui se traduisent par : Performance, Expertise, Fiabilité et Proximité, car nos clients n’achètent pas simplement nos produits et services, ils achètent notre point de vue sur leurs problèmes et notre approche pour les résoudre.

Join the future of automated food service

ADIAL is committed to delivering high-performance vending solutions that transform traditional food service models. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, reliability, and technological excellence, we continue to revolutionize 24/7 automated meal distribution.
Interested in visiting our production facilities in Normandy?
Contact us at +33 2 31 65 25 25 or email us at
Your success is our priority!

On vous rappelle

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