Vending machines for pizzas, paninis
Our food distributors

10 Mar
The success story of Véro Panini
Twelve years in fast food… For 12 years, Véronique ran a fast food service in…

16 Jul
Adial and E-Thik: A New Alliance to Revolutionize the World of Automatic Vending 2.0!
Adial, the global leader in pizza, panini, and taco vending machines, is proud to announce…

05 Apr
2023 REVIEW: Discover the latest edition of our external newsletter: Le Journ’Adial!
Take a journey through the past with Adial by exploring our brand-new edition of Le…

26 Sep
Behind the scenes at Adial: Meet our new trainer, Romain Besnard!
Things are heating up! Today, for a change, we’re taking you behind the scenes at…

29 Jul
Grey’s Pizza: From a pizza truck to the purchase of 9 Adial vending machines
Grégory découvre le monde de la pizza en 2014, à bord d’un camion ambulant, activité…

06 Apr
Pizza Autentica: Meeting Nicolas Geneste, 2022 world pizza champion, Owner of a pizzeria and two PizzaDoor vending machines
Cette semaine, nous partons dans le village de Bretenoux dans le Lot, à la rencontre…